안녕하세요! 모노트래블러입니다. 오랜만에 영상 프로젝트에 글을 올립니다. 영국에서 체류할 동안 5일간 웨스트하이랜드라는 트래킹루트를 다녀온 적이 있었는데 간단하게 영상을 만들어 봤습니다. 음악을 두개를 사용해 봤는데 전체적으로는 PARADISE 가 더 좋은 점수를 받았네요. 여러분은 어느쪽인가요? ^^
This video is about the west highland way which is a famous trail in the UK. I’ve done the challenge within 5days. I live in centre London and I’ve been London almost 8 month. Since I came here I really want to go to Scotland especially Glencoe. but I have no chance to go to Scotland because I work too hard.
Someday, After working, I realised that what I really want to do. So I decided to go to Scotland suddenly. I don’t wanna working no longer than I expected. Yes, I need get some fresh air at that time.
Finally, I saw the Glencoe and I was really happy when I met someone on the road.
I’m sure it’s gonna be my turning point in my life and I highly recommend going the west highland way.